Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

search engine optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing your website’s visibility to search engines. This results in more visitors to your site and more conversions.

SEO is an integral component of any digital marketing plan. It combines content, page structure, and technical tactics to boost your ranking in search results.


Keywords are an integral component of search engine optimization (SEO). They assist search engines such as Google in understanding your website’s topic and, consequently, allow it to appear higher on SERPs (search engine result pages).

However, selecting the ideal keywords isn’t a one-time endeavor. They must be regularly revised and improved in order to keep your content fresh and pertinent.

To do this, you’ll need keyword research tools. These can be free or paid, but they should provide realistic search volume and competition estimates.

Google’s own search console offers rankings and traffic reports for your top keywords, as well as a free keyword planner. Additionally, it helps identify and fix on-site technical issues.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization refers to all the efforts you make on your own website in order to boost search engine rankings and traffic. It includes keywords, HTML tags, page titles, mobile-friendliness, and other factors.

The purpose of on-page optimization is to clearly communicate to search engines what your site is about, so they can accurately interpret it and return results relevant for a user’s query. It involves creating content which is both useful and easily digestible, as well as unique, in order to meet the demands of an active searcher.

On-page SEO also requires making sure your website is mobile friendly, meaning it’s responsive and usable on any device. You can test this using Google’s mobile-friendliness test tool.

Structured data

Structured data helps search engines better comprehend your content, enabling them to serve it to its intended audience. It also increases your site’s click-through rate (CTR) by 30% and is highly recommended by Google developers.

Implementing structured data markup on your website doesn’t need to be a complex endeavor, and there are plenty of tools and resources available that make the process simple. By testing out different structures before adding them into your webpage, you’ll ensure your eligibility for rich snippets in Google’s search results.

The internet is growing exponentially, yet Google and other search engines still face the daunting task of organizing all this data in a user-friendly format. They lack the time, energy and processing power to efficiently organize efficient results; structured data offers them an opportunity to offload some of that work onto others.

Conversion rate optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) aims to boost your site’s rankings and draw in more visitors, while conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps convert that traffic. This can be accomplished by motivating visitors to take desired actions on your website such as signing up for newsletters or purchasing products.

Conversion rate optimization is an invaluable resource that digital businesses can use to boost sales and revenue. It helps convert traffic into leads and customers, giving you more insight into what drives users to your website. Ultimately, conversion rate optimization provides valuable insight into user behaviour which in turn helps refine marketing campaigns for greater success.

CRO and SEO work hand-in-hand to enhance your site’s performance, generate more leads for your business, and ultimately help boost conversion rate optimization efforts. Unfortunately, many marketers still neglect this aspect of their strategy.